Tuesday, February 4, 2014

These Are My Struggles...

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Well here I am, almost 2 weeks after returning from my trip to Jamaica. Before I left I can honestly say I was in the best shape of my life. I worked hard with my trainer for 5 weeks (you can read about "Why a Trainer Hired a Trainer" here) and got the results I wanted. I weighed the least I ever have, my body fat % was at an all time low, and I felt on top of the world. 

Pre-vacation and feeling great! 
Then I went to Jamaica and ate and drank what I wanted all week and although I made it to the gym a few times while away, the intensity was not even close to the same.
Unairconditioned gym in Jamaica 
I came back from vacation, one week later, weighing 11 lbs more than when I left! I guess that's what happens when you have those eating patterns and lack of exercise. Though I have no regrets about enjoying my vacation and having a great time while away, it's been super hard to get back on track now that I am back to my normal life.

I have never been one to focus on or obsess about my weight so the 11 extra pounds I'm carrying right now doesn't bother me as much as the fact that my clothes aren't fitting as good, I feel more tired and sluggish, and I am not as strong or fit as I was a few weeks ago.

I know it's time for me to reevaluate my goals and figure out where it is I want to be physically and emotionally. This is my current struggle.

I met with my trainer this morning and had a great workout. I'm not going to lie it was very tough but as always, I feel great now. During my workout we chatted about a lot of things. My eating patterns, my workout intensities, and most importantly my goals.

I realized I don't currently have any goals.

I would like to be in the shape I was in before my trip but I understand that it takes extreme dedication to my workouts and strict clean eating to get there. I also want to be able to enjoy my life and so I'm finding it difficult to find a balance. I also know that stressing and worrying about this all only has a negative impact on my overall health and well-being. Well then that's an easy one right? Simply don't stress and worry, but I know that doing this will give me an excuse to make poor food choices, overeat, and slack off with my workouts. Again, a big struggle to find a balance.

When my trainer left I did shed a few tears while trying to determine what it is that I want and writing this blog post has allowed me to sort out some of my thoughts. Here are a few things I know for sure:

1. Eating clean and practicing portion control makes me feel good. I plan on not buying any more junk food because I know I will just eat it all if i do!
2. Goal setting is essential. I have to have something to work towards to keep myself motivated
3. It's unhealthy to stress about your weight and lack of progress and I need to stop overthinking things
4. I know I need to add some variety into my workouts to keep myself from getting bored. I plan to do each of the following once a week: Cross country ski, swim, go to the gym (probably 2-4x/week), workout at home with my trainer, and attend hot yoga and potentially some group classes at Goodlife

I feel a little better after sorting my thoughts out through this post and I have a few goals to work towards to help keep me on the right track. If you are reading this post and relate in any way, know that you are not alone. Everyone has these feelings and struggles once and a while. When you do, it's important to take a step back, reevaluate (or set new) goals, and figure out a plan to put your goals into action.

No one is perfect.

The important thing is how you deal with your trials and tribulations. I have to continuously remind myself that it takes hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. And remember to keep life in perspective. Know what you want out of life and be willing to do what it takes to get there. And always be happy. Make the best out of what life hands you. You only get one life, make it good.
This was not one of my most positive posts ever but I do want everyone to realize that even personal trainers and health professionals have these struggles. As much as people may think exercise and clean eating comes easy to me, it surely does not. But having the right attitude and staying inspired is what keeps me going. Thanks for reading and thanks for your continued support. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Dan! I hope it will help others be motivated to live healthy. No one ever said it would be easy they just promised it would be worth it :)

  2. That is a great post Christine, very motivating and humbling. I bet it was very healing to share your feelings. Keep up the good work. P.s I signed up for my 1st 5k in April in Elmira. Gonna kill it!

  3. Great post Christine! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thanks Megan!!! Hope you are doing great!


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